One of the first things you might notice about being pregnant and having children is that everyone has an opinion about something. Should you be eating that if you’re pregnant? Oh, you’re not eating that because you’re pregnant? I ate that and my kids were fine! It can be easy to feel like you’ve got on a decidedly unmerry-go-round that just doesn’t seem like it will stop. You’re having you’re baby at home? My friend would have died if she wasn’t in hospital. You’re having your baby in the hospital? You’re safer at home! There can be what feels like a million decisions to make, and the thought of working it all out can be overwhelming.
So much of parenting advice forces us into our head. The problem with relying on our heads, is we forget our heart and our instinct and we miss the forest for the trees. Sometimes we then swing the other way, and fly based on emotion. The problem with relying on our heart is that we can forget how to move forward, and get lost in the feelings, which can stir us any which way and take us in circles. Listen to your heart, assess in your head, but don’t forget to trust your instincts.