We begin 1pm AEST on Sunday, June 26, 2022


Expand your capacity to
love, rest, work, play, and create without burning out.

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You’re tired of feeling like you need to be ‘on’ but popular ways of switching off either leave you feeling frustrated or numb.

  • You’ve done a bunch of personal development but the work to manage it all is, well, a lot.

  • You’re done with being spread thin, playing small, and the cycle of push through-collapse.

  • The idea of living from a place of joy, ease and pleasure sounds good, but actually doing that is another story…

Imagine how it would feel to...

… have a sustainable connection to your innate joy, satisfaction and hope…

… be able to show up in the way that you want to without depleting yourself…

… expand your capacity to be present to the people and creations that matter to you…


Meet Susana*

Susana was a highly capable woman with what she described as ‘untapped potential’ – she was great at what she did, but couldn’t seem to find or sustain enough momentum to get her work out into the world.

Even though she had so much to offer, she secretly felt afraid to speak her truth, be seen, and own the power and potential that lay within her incredible self. She wished she could  just be direct about what she thought, how she felt, and her downloads of wisdom, and wondered how other women could do the same with apparent fearlessness. She’d done heaps of ‘inner work’ and could rattle off a list of the limiting beliefs, ‘fears’ and thought patterns that were holding her back, but the effort required to keep working at them was eating into precious time that she could be spending on things like expanding her business, playing with her kids, or enjoying herself. She needed a different approach.

She was excellent at juggling all the things, ever-seeking that elusive ‘balance’, but noticed she would get ‘stuck’ in patterns of over-giving, neediness, feeling unable to receive help, and not being able to show up. While she could recognise and sometimes mentally override these well-worn patterns, they never stopped for quite long enough and it sometimes led her to overwhelm, paralysis and eventual burnout.  

On the surface she was doing ok, but inside she knew things could be so much better. 

After working with me to reconnect with her womb from a somatic-oriented experience, she was able to remember the potentiality within the physical spaces of her pelvis through learning to be present to physical and emotional sensations and track her autonomic nervous system responses. This allowed her to tap into the vitality within, without burning out. She could follow her innate cycles without having to override her impulses and rely on charts, which gave her an ability to harness her creative capacity and drink in the nourishing rest in their appropriate times for her body. She learned to receive with welcome, give with boundaries, and show up as herself when she wanted to. 

And the best part? She learned that the secret underlying it all was learning how to ‘not effort’.

*Story shared with permission, name changed for confidentiality.

When did you last feel like yourself?

We are born with an innate sense of ourselves and our bodies, formed within in the womb of our mother. Yet most of us were not raised to keep that inner knowing; that connection to our bodies, our Self, our roots, our environments, so our sense of Self becomes muted…

But it never leaves us.

The pelvis is the original cauldron, the sacred bowl of creation, from which all humans receive and produce life. For those with/who have had a womb, this potential is heightened due to the physical nature of these structures. 

When we learn to come home to the womb, to the whole pelvic bowl, we return to our Self. We recognise that it facilitates incredible wisdom, power, creative energy, self-expression, life force and vitality, strength, receptivity, joy, satisfaction, balance, productivity, and more.

And when we receive and express these qualities from a place of embodied capacity, presence and flow, we notice how integral they are for our whole lives – our own wellbeing, our work, our creative endeavours, our family, our relationships with others, our relationship with wider nature.

What would these aspects of our lives look like if we could bring more presence, balance, joy, rest, life to them?

Sadly (as many of us feel in a deep, visceral way), we live within a culture that praises disconnection from the physical body. We feel at odds with the frantic hyper-production and over-consumption of mainstream culture, in the over-cognitive, mechanistic, linear and technocratic systems within which we live, or within the spiritual traditions that many of us practice.

And this disconnection has lead many women to burnout, mood disorders, exhaustion, low libido, pelvic organ disorders, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, even chronic illnesses and inflammatory and auto-immune disorders. 

Using somatic processes to reconnect with my womb changed my life profoundly, and has done so for many clients as well. 

I want that for you, too.


The secret lies in coming home to your body, learning its unique language and impulses, and being able to be present to and respond to those impulses as needed.


The Womb Code


A 4-week course where you’ll learn how to reconnect to the sacred cauldron of your creative power for renewed energy, expanded capacity for emotional and nervous system regulation, and a heightened ability to be who you truly are.

The results speak for themselves...

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Ready to change your life & business?

let's dig into the details

Here's how it all shakes out...



  • Learn what finding safety means from a somatic enquiry perspective, and how you can cultivate this within your own body.
  • Get a cutting-edge crash course on the ground-breaking Polyvagal Theory from a highly qualified trauma therapist. 
  • Understand the magic of presence and being with, and how this has a direct impact on your capacity.
  • Experience expansion of your nervous system without force, effort, or hyper-cognitive regulation practices.
  • Learn about the jaw-pelvis connection, and what this means for you.



  • Understand how the pelvis intimately affects desire within your body, and how this affects your ability to show up and be who you are.
  • Understand from a body-perspective what cycles of activation are, and why they matter.
  • Be introduced to the vital skill of titration.
  • Experience the crucial prey-predator processes and why it’s not possible to ‘ascend’ from or ‘escape’ your nervous system, and why you don’t want to. 

Week three

Sacred Union

  • Explore a new take on divine masculine/divine feminine that aligns with grounded, biological processes. 
  • Be guided towards Holy Union within your self, without having to summon angels, culturally appropriate spiritual practices, or dissociate from your body in a bliss state.
  • Explore pelvic mapping.
  • Learn why coming home to yourself, leaning ‘down and in’ instead of ‘up and out’ can transform your entire experience of your body. 

WEEK four

Deepening Awareness

  • Explore the magic of ‘fast and slow’. 
  • Learn little-known truths about the biology of your pelvis and how it is linked with satisfaction, joy and desire even outside sexual experiences.
  • Deepen into integrative practices of the foundational work in the previous three weeks.
  • Begin to explore the ancestral nature of this work 

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let's wrap it all up

Here's what you get when you join.

Weekly 3-hour group experience sessions 

Optional extra weekly check-in calls

Access to call recordings in case you can’t make them live

Invitation to our private community to share and deepen our experiences

Taught by a passionate and highly qualified trauma therapist and clinical educator

Discounted 1-1 sessions to ground the work deeply

Enrol today for access to the early bird (ends Thurs, May 26) 



One Payment



Four Weekly Payment

our happiness guarantee

100% Risk Free

I want you to be 100% confident when you enrol in The Womb Code.

You’re protected with our money back guarantee.

If you’re not happy after attending the first call, I’ll refund your money.

I’m here to support you. You’re backed by this guarantee.


Hey there, I'm Anna.

I’m a somatic therapist, counsellor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, developmental trauma therapist, birth doula, childbirth educator, meditation teacher, clinical educator, researcher and mother of three incredible kids.
I’ve worked with hundreds of women to get out of the stress loop that leads to burnout so that they can have more energy, more time, and experience greater wellbeing and wholeness.
My science-meets-spirit approach enables women to heal their nervous system so that they can expand their capacity without crashing and burning.
I walk my void, birth, death, rebirth cycle so that you can learn to harness your own earthly reincarnation with presence, pleasure and power.


Good, because there's something I need to tell you.

The world doesn’t need more women pushing through. That way is ending, it is collapsing. The new world honours the cycles within, the natural balance and flow, the pulses of upwards and downwards, inwards and outwards, breathing in and breathing out. When we learn to connect from within, our ability to connect with and move with wider cycles in our life become even more potent, healing, flowing.

Reconnecting with our womb takes us out of the false dichotomy of ‘divine feminine vs divine masculine’, or ‘left brain vs right brain’, and into a place where we recognise the inherent worth of all aspects of ourself, our bodies, humanity, and nature as a whole. We are able to recognise the individual parts and honour their role within the whole. It begins in the womb.

The womb is a natural recalibrator and the ultimate leveller – within the womb there is no hierarchy and no one-upmanship. And when we connect with it, in balance, the womb allows us to honour and celebrate each individual component for its unique work and contribution to the whole.

There is a circularity to this, an interconnected iterative process that threads our systems together to create balance first from within, then without. When we reconnect with our womb, we are invited to find this balance from our centre first, from our body first, from our inherent wisdom first. The mind, as crucial as it is for living, comes second.

Biologically, pleasure, creation, regeneration, immune function, stress, wellbeing, dopamine-mediated satisfaction and more are all linked with the womb.

Culturally, we have been taught for hundreds of years that our womb makes us less reliable, more hysterical, less capable. In truth, the opposite is true. Our cycles predictably let us know what is happening within. The pattern of our menstrual flow profoundly influences our patterns of emotion, attention, energy levels, states of mind, outward-inward focus, and more. When we learn to work WITH these patterns, our lives are changed profoundly. What would your life look like if you knew how to connect in with these patterns, not on a ‘tracking chart’ (although I can highly recommend using these too), but from within?

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

🌹 We meet online for three hours, once a week, starting Sunday June 26, for four weeks, to learn to cultivate somatic wisdom. 

🌹 Each week has its own focus. We cover working with ease, the Polyvagal theory, Sacred Union, and integration practices.
🌹 There is no homework, because this is a process of experiencing, not filling your head with more knowledge that you have to work to integrate. But for the nerds like me who love a bit of something, there will be an optional weekly meditation that supports the experiential learning for that week.
🌹 We connect in a private community outside of social media (woo, no accidental scrolling blackhole!!)

The calls are 3 hours long. That’s it for each week. You’re welcome to join us for our check in call also. There is no homework because it’s a process of experiencing, not thinking.

Yes! I do get charged a processing fee, so the cost is very slightly higher. Click on one of the Sign Me Up buttons to see the option for payment plan.

Even over the interwebs, there’s nothing quite like meeting live. Energy is shared even online, so I highly recommend doing what you can to be present for the live calls.

Having said that, I know first-hand how impossible meeting all our demands in each moment can be. Each class is recorded and you can catch up when it works for you.

I will say also, you can’t get ‘behind’. Although each week is designed to build on the previous week, because this is an experiential course, you can just turn up and reap the benefits. Magic!

This is a highly experiential course. There is NO homework. It is an invitation to learn to BE in a more tangible way.
I have walked and continue to walk the path of healing, of coming home to my body, of meeting myself from highest heights to darkest depths, and so I offer you my embodied process of the incredible teachings I have trained in.
It blends somatic touch work, Somatic Experiencing, developmental trauma healing, meditation, psychological principles, ancestral healing and heart work to offer you a powerful shift in how you relate to yourself and the world you walk through.
Anyone who has or has had the space for a womb! In future rounds, I may also open this up to anyone identifying as femme, but as often painful wounds are shared, for now I am keeping the space female-sex-bodies only.
It also might be extra potent if:
You’re committed to your own growth and healing, but working with your heart and mind (although awesome) aren’t quite enough to get the break through you’re after anymore…
You’ve developed awareness around what’s holding you back but that isn’t stopping you from ‘doing different’…
Affirmations aren’t quite cutting it, and you want to experience a transformation in a physical way..
You want to be able to hold ALL of your Self without collapsing under the expansiveness of it all…
You’re ready to experience stability within your own body…
You want to hold deeper space for your own clients or family…
You feel a YES in your body as read this!

Ok, it's a yes, I'm ready for this!


You are so ready for this journey.

I can’t wait to share this gentle, loving goodness of experiencing your self,  in all your glory.

ready to get started?

Choose your experience...



One Payment

payment plan


Four Weekly Payments