The answer ironically lay within me. Within my tissues, within my cells. In my body.
Instead of seeking the answers outwards, coming back INTO myself was the key to my healing.
This offered me an increased sense of vitality, love, healing, presence, power and eroticism, so that I could show up for myself, my family, my clients, our Earth, in an embodied and heart-full way.
And now, having walked it myself and with my clients, I offer it to you.
… the people around you
… the spaces you inhabit
Anna is a people person. She is brilliant, caring, compassionate, a calming influence and a hands-on individual. I underwent a considerable traumatic postnatal experience and she helped me heal. We are indebted to her.
Although I read lots and thought I understood what I needed, I didn’t feel empowered enough to put it all into practice. Through this course I’ve gained an expansion on the knowledge I already had, an expansion which has ‘clicked’ everything into place. I am now feeling positive and empowered that I can do this. I can!
Weekly Live Calls
Starting date TBC
PRIVATE Community (Away From Usual Social Media Platforms)
Bonus Meditations
We meet online for two hours, once a week, for four weeks, to learn to cultivate somatic wisdom.
The calls are 2 hours long. That’s it for each week. There is no homework because it’s a process of experiencing, not thinking.
Yes! I do get charged a processing fee, so the cost is very slightly higher. Please email me at [email protected] for this option.
Even over the interwebs, there’s nothing quite like meeting live. Energy is shared even online, so I highly recommend doing what you can to be present for the live calls.
Having said that, I know first-hand how impossible meeting all our demands in each moment can be. Each class is recorded and you can catch up when it works for you.
I will say also, you can’t get ‘behind’. Although each week is designed to build on the previous week, because this is an experiential course, you can just turn up and reap the benefits. Magic!
Our first group call will be announced soon, join the waitlist to be the first to know!
I can’t wait to share this gentle, loving goodness of experiencing your self, in all your glory.