Join for our start!


A 4-week experience of coming home to your body.

For so many years I felt I was missing part of myself.

The answer ironically lay within me. Within my tissues, within my cells. In my body.

Instead of seeking the answers outwards, coming back INTO myself was the key to my healing. 

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • I was committed to my growth and healing, but I couldn’t quite get the heart-mind-body-spirit connection consistently
  • I would experience amazing ‘break throughs’ but I couldn’t quite sustain them. I burned out way too regularly.
  • I had great self-awareness but it wasn’t quite enough to create the lasting changes I was seeking

I discovered the healing of coming home to my body.

This offered me an increased sense of vitality, love, healing, presence, power and eroticism, so that I could show up for myself, my family, my clients, our Earth, in an embodied and heart-full way.

And now, having walked it myself and with my clients, I offer it to you.

Welcome home.

Experience a powerful shift in how you relate to and connect with...


… the people around you

… the spaces you inhabit

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Connect with the exquisite healing capacity spiralling through your very being...


The Embody Code

A 4-week journey of embodied experience. Starts January 8.

let's dig into the details



Finding Your Body

  • Experience foundational practices to Be, Feel, Respond.
  • Learn how to track your nervous system.
  • Experience being in Centre within your body.


Embodying Your Primal Nature

  • Experience the various nervous system states.
  • Recognise which states you default to in which circumstances.
  • Play with expanding your unconscious repertoire.


Connecting With Your Centre

  • Experience receiving nourishment without having to ‘do’ anything.
  • Cultivate heart awareness from a nervous system perspective.


Deepening Your Tool Kit

  • Experience simple and effective practices to offer yourself deeper support.
  • Recognise your resources through a new lens.
  • Play with gentle expansion from your body first, not overriding with your mind.

What Do People Say About Working With Me?

Anna is a people person. She is brilliant, caring, compassionate, a calming influence and a hands-on individual. I underwent a considerable traumatic postnatal experience and she helped me heal. We are indebted to her. 

Helen Hanns

Although I read lots and thought I understood what I needed, I didn’t feel empowered enough to put it all into practice. Through this course I’ve gained an expansion on the knowledge I already had, an expansion which has ‘clicked’ everything into place. I am now feeling positive and empowered that I can do this. I can!


let's wrap it all up

Here's what you get when you join.

Weekly Live Calls

Starting date TBC

PRIVATE Community (Away From Usual Social Media Platforms)

Bonus Meditations 

Pleasure to meet you!

Hey there, I'm Anna.

I’m a somatic therapist, counsellor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, developmental trauma therapist, birth doula, childbirth educator, meditation teacher, clinical educator, researcher and mama of three incredible kids.
I’ve worked with hundreds of women to get out of the stress loop that leads to burnout so that they can have more energy, more time, and experience greater wellbeing and wholeness.
My science-meets-spirit approach enables women to heal their nervous system so that they can expand their capacity without crashing and burning.
I walk my void, birth, death, rebirth cycle so that you can learn to harness your own earthly reincarnation with presence, pleasure and power.

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

🌹 We meet online for two hours, once a week, for four weeks, to learn to cultivate somatic wisdom. 

🌹 Each week has its own focus. We cover “finding” your body, embodying your primal nature, connecting with your centre and deepening your tool kit.
🌹 There is no homework, because this is a process of experiencing, not filling your head with more knowledge that you have to work to integrate. But for the nerds like me who love a bit of something, there will be an optional weekly meditation that supports the experiential learning for that week.
🌹 We connect in a private community outside of social media (woo, no accidental scrolling blackhole!!)

The calls are 2 hours long. That’s it for each week. There is no homework because it’s a process of experiencing, not thinking.

Yes! I do get charged a processing fee, so the cost is very slightly higher. Please email me at [email protected] for this option.

Even over the interwebs, there’s nothing quite like meeting live. Energy is shared even online, so I highly recommend doing what you can to be present for the live calls.

Having said that, I know first-hand how impossible meeting all our demands in each moment can be. Each class is recorded and you can catch up when it works for you.

I will say also, you can’t get ‘behind’. Although each week is designed to build on the previous week, because this is an experiential course, you can just turn up and reap the benefits. Magic!

This is a highly experiential course. There is NO homework. It is an invitation to learn to BE in a more tangible way.
I have walked and continue to walk the path of healing, of coming home to my body, of meeting myself from highest heights to darkest depths, and so I offer you my embodied process of the incredible teachings I have trained in.
It blends somatic touch work, Somatic Experiencing, developmental trauma healing, meditation, psychological principles, ancestral healing and heart work to offer you a powerful shift in how you relate to yourself and the world you walk through.
You’re committed to your own growth and healing, but working with your heart and mind (although awesome) aren’t quite enough to get the break through you’re after anymore…
You’ve developed awareness around what’s holding you back but that isn’t stopping you from ‘doing different’…
Affirmations aren’t quite cutting it, and you want to experience a transformation in a physical way..
You want to be able to hold ALL of your Self without collapsing under the expansiveness of it all…
You’re ready to experience stability within your own body…
You want to hold deeper space for your own clients or family…
You feel a YES in your body as read this!

Our first group call will be announced soon, join the waitlist to be the first to know!

Ok, it's a yes!

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You are so ready for this journey.

I can’t wait to share this gentle, loving goodness of experiencing your self,  in all your glory.



One Payment

(Price after Dec 31: $345)



One Payment

(Price after Dec 31: $345)