Honestly? It’s thinking they can just go with the flow.
Because while it’s a really admirable approach (and I’ll be the first to say birth is an incredible exercise in letting go of control), I have to ask:
Do you know where the stream is flowing? Do you know where the rapids are, where the turns are, what obstacles you’ll encounter and whether you can swim?
We’ve been rehearsing birth from the moment we ourselves were born, through the imprints of our own births, the myriad stories we’ve heard over the years and the unhelpful Hollywood-ised versions of birth we’ve watched and been conditioned to believe are normal. These rehearsals do not always set us up for success.
Add to that, that our system in its current set up does not offer normal, physiological birth as standard, and we may find that ‘the flow’ makes us go places we secretly had hoped it wouldn’t.
Crossing our fingers and hoping for the best when the way we do birth is not set up to actually support our biological and emotional needs is like closing our eyes and hoping the fire won’t hit us. We need to be prepared.
… first unlearning the conscious and subconscious messaging of the Western culture…
… relearning what our bodies need and how to access these birthing pathways in our modern-day environments…
… and then choosing to prepare our bodies physically, mentally and emotionally to welcome baby Earthside.
And it’s absolutely possible to learn how to make our birth different, face these fears, rewrite the stories we’ve been told, and change birth as we know it. It just requires more than crossing our fingers and using some positive thinking.
… confident and ready to birth
… prepared with current evidence, ancient tried-and-tested tools and practices
… a deep knowledge that you’ve got this.
A 6-week course that helps you unlock your birthing wisdom and break through the barriers to effective birth.
“The best birth course everrrrr. I honestly can’t recommend it enough!! It has given me so much knowledge even with this being my 3rd pregnancy!”
“Yes, I’ve had a baby before… but although I read lots and thought I understood what I needed to get through labour as naturally as possible, I didn’t feel empowered enough to put it all into practice. Quite frankly, my first birth was dictated by the obstetrician, hospital policies and my own fear… and I regret the things that happened. Through this course I’ve gained an expansion on the knowledge I already had, an expansion which has ‘clicked’ everything into place. I am now feeling positive and empowered that I can do this. I can!”
“The course for me was so beneficial, because instead of having all these random thoughts about what was going to happen, it made me think about actual situations and my actual “plan” and the illusion of having some sort of control (haha). The workbook helped me gather my thoughts and then being able to talk it all over during the call was so helpful.
Your course empowered me to trust my instincts and remain calm and just deal with it as it happened, feeling confident that I’d make the right decision.”
“Anna is amazing… having just been part of this course, I’d totally recommend it to ANYone about to have a baby.. even if it’s not your first. So much information, so much support, so much insight. I could say a lot about this… I’m so deeply grateful for how much more empowered I feel because of this course. Even when things don’t go to plan, Anna has helped me feel more capable of finding answers to make my own choices. This course is HONEST and so beautifully practical and holistic at the same time.”
The Comprehensive 6 Week Course, Delivered Live
This unique course blends neuroscience, basic biological building blocks for birth, and a whole lot of heart and traditional birthing wisdom, so that you can feel confident and ready to step into the deep unknown that is birth.
Preparing for Birth Workbook
Evidence made simple and accessible, a Must-Have for positive birth preparation.
Access to the Online Portal
Can’t make a call? Want to delve into the juicy details again? No problem, all calls are recorded and safely archived for you in the online portal. You’ll receive access once the course starts.
Private invitation to The Birth Code FB Community
Connect with other women who are going through this experience with us, or who have been there before and start to delve into the collective wisdom.
Lifetime updates
Having another baby? Congratulations! You’ll be welcome to rejoin us as many times as you like, as long as the course is live.
World-class education in your own home, from an award-winning Childbirth Educator
Don’t feel like wearing pants? It’s all good, we’ll never know. You can get comfy, grab your snacks and join us over the interwebs in the comfort of your own home.
Join us now at the early bird investment of $295 ($395 after Aug 28)
I am also offering women who sign up for The Birth Code 3x 1-1 sessions for $360, saving $60.
I want you to be 100% confident when you enrol in The Birth Code.
You’re protected with our money back* guarantee.
If you’re not happy after the first call, I’ll refund your money *minus the cost of the workbook ($49).
I’m here to support you. You’re backed by this guarantee.
Mother of three, therapist, educator, speaker, doula, researcher and nervous system practitioner. I’m a scientist and an intuitive, and I am deeply passionate about changing the way we do birth.
Why? Because I’ve experienced traumatic birth, experienced an amazing (and orgasmic) healing birth, and a deeply powerful sovereign birth that turned me inside-out. I know first-hand the transformative power of this process, and why it is absolutely crucial to maximising the health of both you and your baby.
More than anything, I want you to be feel confident in your decisions, able to work with your body, and to find your deep, primal power to birth your baby.
It’s my greatest honour to offer this course to walk this journey with you.
Because birth is not a one time event. It sends you on a trajectory into motherhood and can impact you for the rest of your life. Women in dementia wards can still remember their births when given a baby to hold.
Because birth may be natural, but the way we do birth is anything but. And understanding what it is you actually need – compared to what is on offer as ‘standard’ – is crucial. Up to 70% of hospital policy is not based on evidence, and over a THIRD of Australian women are coming out of birth traumatised. Relying on what is ‘routinely done’ is not exactly a recipe for a positive birth.
Because your birth affects your baby too, and a healthy baby is more than just an alive baby. Humans are wired for attachment, and how we experience these events as babies help to set our idea of what love and connection are. We want healthy babies in body AND mind.
Because healthy mothers raise healthy babies, and those healthy babies become our future. Trauma has a flow on effect to the whole of society. Improving pregnancy, birth and newborn life improves the future of society.
Because in pregnancy, birth and the post-birth period, our brains are designed to be re-wired. That rewiring can be positive, or less than positive. We want to come out of this experience as ready and able as possible to take on motherhood.
Because you deserve the birth you want.
Absolutely. In fact, much of what I teach directly applies or speaks to hospital birth, because the vast majority of Western women birth in a hospital. If you’re looking for a positive hospital birth, this course is absolutely for you.
This course is still hugely important! Many women do find improved outcomes in home birth (and I am a huge home birth advocate), but we still need to prepare. And internally, much is the same; the process of birth, our biological requirements, the conditioning we’ve experienced, and for many the ‘unlearning’ process still needs to be done. Not to mention, unnecessary interventions can still occur in homebirths. Knowing what is normal is important.
Firstly, I’m so sorry. And you’re not alone. Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball that can predict how our birth will unfold, but too many women are experiencing trauma in our birthing environments, and much of it is avoidable.
This course is designed to prepare you as best as I can, with tools, practices and information that I’ve used with many women, who have said how helpful they found them.
There are so many factors that come into play with our births, and one of the first steps in improving outcomes for ourselves is becoming aware of what we need and what can help or hinder this. This course should absolutely support you to feel prepared and confident that your body can do this. It can also help us to make sense of what happened last time, and where some key elements can be done differently this time to help us change the experience and outcomes.
This course can also help us to understand our bodies, our hearts and how to work with the process, even if we are scared or finding the birth painful. There is no singular ‘right’ way to do this, and birth certainly doesn’t look the same for everyone – which is absolutely ok.
My aim in this course is to help you feel confident in trusting that you know your body best, and that you can make the decisions that are right for you and your baby…even if that didn’t work out in times before. Understanding what you biologically need is a crucial starting place, and working through your own fears with a strong context of our birthing environments is very important.
I do gently encourage you to seek as much support to heal your trauma as you can during this time. You are absolutely deserving of healing and restoration.
That is a little bit up to you. The weekly calls go for 2 hours each, though occasionally questions make us go a little over, and in between I encourage you to read the relevant sections of your workbook, to really maximise what you can get out of this course.
The workbook is generally gone through pretty quickly, and then it’s up to you whether you want to go through any extra info I talk about during the calls – that part is completely optional!
You will get access to private community group immediately. Once you enrol, you will get an email from our membership software with all the important info for the course, including confirming the start date.
This course may not be for you. Going with the flow is a wonderful ideal, and trusting or believing you can do this is an excellent first step, but neither of these approaches change the fact that our birthing system does not offer natural birth as standard and deep preparation is required for birth.
Birth may be natural, and you may already have everything you need to be able to birth, but the power of conditioning and our brain can derail these instincts, and so can our chosen place of birth.
The way we live and birth today is the opposite of natural, from the foods we eat to the lifestyles we lead, and most certainly the environments and conditions in which we birth. If we want to make this process as smooth and positive as possible, we absolutely need to do the preparation. This is not a time when crossing our fingers and ‘just trusting’ is enough.
Once you’ve prepared? Absolutely; let go, trust, and allow the process to unfold. But you’ll be going with the flow knowing how to navigate the waters, instead of jumping in blind.
That really depends on you and the hospital class. I highly recommend going to your hospital classes even if you do my course, as being familiar with your birthing environment is really important for facilitating a smoother birth. It’s also very important to know what your hospital considers ‘normal’.
I can say that The Birth Code is very in depth and covers the real drivers in birth and how to work with them, actual (and practical!) birthing skills, including a lot of non-pharmacological pain relief, and many other aspects not commonly taught in a hospital class.
Many women have commented that their hospital class didn’t teach them anything about how to actually have the baby, what to do or what their partner should do. Others have said that they had absolutely no idea that new baby life would be as it was, and wished their classes had helped them prepare better. While I know many excellent birth educators offering lovely hospital programs, the frequency with which I hear these comments suggests that this course offers aspects that are not covered in some standard hospital classes. The feedback I receive is that women appreciate their hospital classes but feel they are not quite offering enough preparation.
I highly recommend all birthing people attend their hospital classes regardless. It’s important to know what is standard practice in your local hospital, and to be familiar with where you need to go and what you need to do. You should also be able to draw from the fabulous experience of the midwives offering the course, and this is invaluable!
Many women do remark that The Birth Code filled in many of the gaps and gave them a deeper, more confident birth preparation that helped them understand their options, what their body needed and what to do with that.
And I can’t wait to be part of walking it with you.
I express my deep gratitude to the Ngunnawal people, on whose land I work, live, love and play on. Thank you for your care and custodianship, for the wisdom, stories and traditions woven into the land. I am committed to walking as an ally, listening more, supporting the healing of Country and its people, and decolonising myself. Always was, always will be.